Sunday, September 4, 2011

Feeding the Ducks and Bath Time

Here at the lake, my mom is a pretty popular person.  You would assume that she was popular with people, nope, it's with the ducks.  Everyday at 5:00pm, all the ducks in the area corral around our dock to get fed by my mom.  You might be thinking that she throws a few bread crumbs, when she actually throws 5 pounds of fish/duck food every afternoon.  My dad says that they buy 50 pounds of feed every 10 days.  That's a lot!

After we finished feeding the ducks, we had fun giving Ke'alohi a bath in the kitchen sick.  She could stay in there for hours but then she would prune.  Hehehe.  We are all taking advantage of the time when she can still fit in the sink.  Soon she will only be able to take baths in the tub like all of us. Boring!

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